be·lieve /bƏˈlĒV/ accept (something) as true; feel sure of the truth of This year I did it! I selected a Word of the Year. BELIEVE. A few individuals I know, have a new year’s ritual of selecting one word to help guide them through the year. ...
Where to focus your 2021 New Years Resolution? Many Type A individuals have probably been able to figure out where to focus their resolution. They have it all nicely laid out with goals and benchmarks already determined. I wish my personality would start on these...
Christmas is upon us. And for many, this year will look different. For me, it is the first time in 42 years that I will not be celebrating in-person with my parents. While I am grateful that my family has not experienced the loss of a loved one this year,...
In December, I love to take time to talk about that thing that happens on January 1st of each year. Good ol’ New Year’s Resolutions! More often than not, I find that this is a time where individuals become overly optimistic and overly self-critical. Sounds...
“When you give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.” -Maya Angelou I know I have said it before, but I am going to say it again, I believe it is the most wonderful time of year. Last year I wrote about this very topic. This year, I thought I would...
We are entering the last month of the year. One of my favorite times of the year. Not just because of the holiday season celebrations, but because it is a time of closure and to tie up loose ends. We have heard it over and over, 2020 has not gone...