Being a business owner can be hard. Many would say it’s “not for the faint of heart.” So,when I read Seth Godin’s February 12. 2021 blog, “The Easy Way Down,” it got methinking how applicable it is to business ownership. It seems that society has a...
There comes a point in everyone’s life when a desire is no longer a nice-to-have but a MUST. It is crazy how our belief shifts. We start to do whatever it takes to make that desire come true. It could be as simple as, I must have that sweater or those...
Today’s message is short and sweet. Remember that we are all creating constant ripples on theworld, whether we realize it or not. It’s nice to be reminded of this when it comes to our actions.You may never know the impact of your actions on others. “I’ve...
Fear has been a player in everyone’s lives recently. So much so, it is damaging the soul of our society and the population inside it. We are harming our ability to progress forward, while also impairing our ability to discern what is real and what is...
Wintertime is for reading. Or at least it is in my world. When the weather gets cold, my Pavlovian nature has me craving a warm fireplace, soft blanket, hot coffee, and a good book. While on occasion you will find me deeply engulfed with a fictional book,...
Do you have moments where you can’t stop thinking about certain negative thoughts? You are aware that ruminating does no good, but you can’t stop yourself from going there. Sound familiar? Perhaps affirmations might just be the solution. Affirmations...