Today’s message is short and sweet. Remember that we are all creating constant ripples on the
world, whether we realize it or not. It’s nice to be reminded of this when it comes to our actions.
You may never know the impact of your actions on others.
Have you ever dropped an object into water and watched how a ripple is formed that becomes
larger and larger? So is life!
I recognize that life can be tough. That might be where you are at this season. I don’t want to negate that, but I also realize that we have no idea what the people around us are going through or dealing with either. Remember that when you walk around immersed in your own circumstances.
I believe there is a reckoning we need to deal with. It’s the realization that we seem to think our
needs should be the center of everyone else’s attention. Rather let’s flip that script and think
about what we could do for others to make them the center of attention, even if brief. That’s
what caring and giving are all about, taking the focus off yourself and thinking about others.
Long-Lasting Impact
I am not talking about making a big ordeal about this, I am talking about giving someone on the
street a genuine smile. Or starting a pleasant conversation with the person behind the register.
It’s these small actions that can have a lasting impact. You may never know the impact of your
actions on others, but it doesn’t mean it is not happening.
It goes both ways, negative actions can have long-lasting ripple effects as well. That’s
not how you want to be remembered. Drop positive ripples throughout your day, because
you never know who could use it!
Are you feeling that you’re creating more negative ripples than positive ones? Want to feel more
positive ripples? Let’s talk.
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