“When you give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
-Maya Angelou
I know I have said it before, but I am going to say it again, I believe it is the most wonderful time of year. Last year I wrote about this very topic. This year, I thought I would share again, what this time of year means to me.
It starts in November when everyone talks about how grateful they are for the people and things in their life. Many of you probably realize I am a believer in gratitude. A few weeks ago, I wrote a blog on gratitude and how to incorporate more of it into your life throughout the year. At my house, sitting around our kitchen table throughout the year, you will likely see the eye rolls come when I suggest we share what we appreciate about the day…but I know they secretly love it. ?
One thing is for sure, we as humans, find it easier to identify what went bad about our day. Or those things we are not good at. And find it is much harder to talk about what went well or why we like ourselves. So, the idea that we show extra gratitude this time of year is incredibly uplifting.
Then as the season progresses, we move from gratitude to sharing!
I know many feel it is a season of consumerism and greed, but I prefer to see it as an ability to share with those we are grateful for and appreciate. Like Maya Angelou said, “When you give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.”
It is also about fostering traditions that fill us up and bring us joy! Remember, sharing does not need to be about gifts. Think about how you share your time and attention. If we see this time of year as sharing, not obligation, we perpetuate happiness and those feelings of gratefulness. When one genuinely gives, both the giver and the receiver benefit.
After we foster gratitude and give generously, we then can look to the future. We can set goals regarding what we want to continue — the good we currently have going on, as well as improve areas that need attention. While this can be done any time of year, the New Year really has us look to the future and gives us permission to express our desires and bring in more abundance.
If you struggle with this season, I encourage you to take this time to reframe and/or shift how you think about this time of year. Positivity breeds kindness! It increases our thankfulness! Oh, and your abundance multiplies! It truly is the most wonderful time of the year!
Share what you love about this time of year.
Need encouragement? Let’s chat!
P.S. Did you enjoy this blog? Read more from Jessica’s Journal or watch Jessica’s Saturday Sessions.