Every year around this time, I like to look at my goals and do some life planning. I do it this time of year because it is my birthday week and I love the process. Plus, I love to ponder how to make the next year the best year of my life.
So, my birthday is nearing and as always I want to live an epic life over the next year. Yet I recognize that with all that is going on in my life personally and globally I am feeling a lot of emotional weight.
As a result, I have taken on some not so healthy habits. So, it was particularly perfect timing to see this email in my Inbox this morning…
Daily Flame
You have some habits you wish you could quit. I won’t point fingers, but you know what I’m talking about.
You tend to beat yourself up because time and time again, you get sucked into that habit, even when you’ve promised yourself countless times.
But don’t you realize that every time you hate on yourself or try to bully yourself into changing your habit, you only make yourself more likely to repeat the habit?
Why not try getting honest with yourself about what needs are getting met when you indulge the habit? Why not see the habit as a protector part? Find gratitude for how that part has been a helper, just trying to get your needs met and keep vulnerable parts in you safe.
See if you can tap into an awareness of how the habit is serving you. Instead of demonizing it, thank it for protecting you and helping you get your needs met!
The more you rest in gratitude, appreciation, and self- compassion, the more you loosen yourself from the habit. You start being creative about getting your needs met elsewhere. Once you’re not so contracted around your demonization of the habit, you might find that your habit starts to loosen its grip.
While I am spending time this week on setting the stage for my epic life, I have to spend some time on how my current habits are serving me. I promise to get real and be honest with myself.
Here is to blowing out all 42 of this year’s birthday candles and to the epic life that will follow! Watch and see!
P.S. It may not be your birthday, but it is never too late to lead your epic life and I would love to help. Want help, lets chat!
P.S.S. Did you enjoy this blog? Read more from Jessica’s Journal or watch Jessica’s Saturday Sessions.