I often have people ask me “how do you journal?” The art of journaling does not need to be done a certain “way.” The simple-ness of it makes it hard. People need to feel like they are doing it the right way. There is no right or wrong way to journal.
It seems easy. But for many just getting started can be difficult. Not knowing what to write about can be a struggle so they do not put pen to paper.
So many assume it must be pretty. They think they should have something to say. Presume it should sound smart. Assume it should be positive.
The reality is, there is no right or wrong way to journal. You are not going to take on the wonderful habit of journaling if you feel there are so many requirements.
Yet there are huge benefits that come from journaling. Reduction in stress, brain fog, and anxiousness (chaotic chatter); but is also increase clarity and creativity. We are working to get past the linear thinking we use to categorize and organize. Get out of the Left, more logical, brain, and into your Right, more creative, brain.
This is where you will start to discover your true desires. Tap into the unconscious thoughts. Get clarity.
Some people like to have a guided book or journal that asks the questions so they can journal off of the question. This is fine, but what I am purposing does not require you to think about anything while you are doing it. And you won’t run the risk of quitting when the materials come to an end.
If you are going to use this method, I do recommend that you stretch yourself past the comfort of just answering the questions. This is where you will get the nuggets.
What I am suggesting can be done anywhere, anytime. It doesn’t run out when the book runs out. It’s the same way every time; it just requires a journal or a notepad. And it’s free-association writing. The only requirement is to write for 3 pages. Anything and everything. Just write.
If you can’t think of anything to say, write, “I have nothing to say” over and over until you have something. We really want you to break out of the logical brain. If you are in an ugly mood, write about it. Just write for 3 pages
Journaling allows you to release thoughts. Get them out of your head. Then after doing this journaling exercise for about 6-8 weeks you can go back and start rereading what you wrote and starting mining for patterns. Start discovering what you want and need.
If you need a little push to start your journaling, let’s chat!
P.S. Did you enjoy this blog? Read more from Jessica’s Journal or watch Jessica’s Saturday Sessions.